Content Marketing Success: Why Answering Questions Sells

Do you want more sales? Is content marketing a part of your strategy? To explore how to create content that sells, I interview Marcus Sheridan. More About This Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is an on-demand talk radio show from Social Media Examiner. It’s designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what […]

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– Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

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Website optimization is it genuine?

SEO is real

The Future of Search of SEO tactics

Patterns That Will Change SEO For Good

September twentieth, 2016

Ok, the popular expressions. We’ve been finding out about AI, machine learning, characteristic dialect preparing, and so forth for some time now. Regularly, not in an extremely logical setting. Now and then, even alluded to as a similar thing.

All things considered, what are those things? How would they influence Google’s indexed lists? What’s more, why does any of this considerably matter?

In this article, I’ve assembled 5 inclines that are changing pursuit, with a nitty gritty clarification of the instruments behind every one, its part in Google’s positioning calculation, and the effect it’s probably going to have on SEO.

In any case, before we get down to the five, here’s a critical notice: all these five ideas, or “patterns”, don’t exist in confinement and are profoundly interconnected in Google’s algo. Regularly, I will call a pattern something that is in reality just a single side of a marvel. I’m doing this since that side has its unmistakable attributes and effect on SEO.

Google’s interest with machine learning has been around for some time; yet it wasn’t until 2014 that they chose to attempt and join it into the organization’s primary item — look — and perceive how it works out.

The analysis ended up being extraordinarily successful, and in April 2015 Google reported that a machine learning manmade brainpower framework, named RankBrain, was currently an essential piece of their positioning calculation (they even called it the third most imperative positioning sign).

To completely comprehend the effect — and the future potential — of machine learning frameworks like RankBrain, how about we take a gander at how innovation when all is said in done and AI specifically have been creating throughout the years.

SEO tactics learning eden

How can it influence SEO?

With past Google upgrades, be it Panda, Penguin, or Mobile(geddon), the effect of every one was clear and to some degree all inclusive (your substance must be extraordinary, your connections needed to pass certain quality criteria, and your site must be streamlined for cell phones in the event that you needed to rank in Google Mobile).

The circumstance with RankBrain — and frameworks of a similar kind that will take after — is the inverse. There is no general method for getting it “appropriate”; rather, the positioning criteria for two particular inquiries can be totally extraordinary, making the framework unfathomably difficult to diversion.

My expectation is that RankBrain will increase considerably more energy and have an undeniably huge impact in Google’s positioning calculation. For SEOs, this implies the period of bland, pursuit bot-arranged strategies (watchword thickness, backlink tally, content length) is at long last irreversibly over. Rather, aggressive research will probably have by a long shot the most critical impact of each SEO battle. Advertisers will attempt to “imitate” RankBrain and take a gander at the top performing site pages in a given industry — notwithstanding for individual inquiries — and search for basic qualities that these pages share, so they can make content with similar elements (I’ll harp more on this in the last part of the post).

If you need any kichen equipments we are on sale.

The post Website optimization is it genuine? appeared first on Techfinite | Social Media Marketing Secrets Revealed.

How PBN Works

Private Blog Usage as of SEO

Private blog systems (PBNs) are the go-to third party referencing strategy for dim cap SEOs.

In any case, the question is:

Is it accurate to say that they merit working from a ROI (Return on Investment) and a ROT (Return on Time) point of view?

In this post, will give all of you the data you have to settle on an informed choice.

3 Reasons NOT to Use a PBN

Will be a “Debbie Downer” and begin the post off with the cons of utilizing a PBN.

1. Taken a toll

One of the greatest cons is the cost of creating and keeping up a system. In case you’re utilizing sell-offs, it will cost you anyplace between $40-$400 for a decent area. On the off chance that you are utilizing area sellers, the cost will be comparative.

As you can picture, this can include.

After you secured your new area, you need to pay for private WHOIS, get facilitating, and include content.

In this way, suppose you secured a space for $100.

Area = $100

Private Whois = $5

Facilitating = $12

Article = $5 (a great PBN will have more than one article)

= $112 for ONE site.

You think the cost is high?

Oh my goodness about the time speculation.

2. Time Investment

Making a quality PBN can be a genuine time-suck. To start with, you need to discover spaces that are deserving of buying. Around 95% of the areas are unfit. What’s more, that is being liberal.

For my organization specifically, we just utilize terminated areas in the event that they meet our Topical Trust Flow necessity. This makes our examination significantly all the more difficult, however it is frequently substantially more fulfilling.

Suppose you’re attempting to manufacture a system of 10 sites. It will take you anyplace between 6-12 hours to discover ten qualified areas. A “qualified” space ought to have a Trust Flow of no less than 15 and a Domain Authority of 15.

A lower metric space is satisfactory on the off chance that it has pertinent Topical Trust Flow Topics.

Since you’ve secured 10 spaces, you now need to set them up. It will take you 2-4 hours to discover web has and prepare the destinations for advancement.

You then need to build up the site by making all the essential pages, discovering topics, composing/outsourcing content, introducing modules, and making the site’s look ordinary. In the event that you need to be additional sheltered, you may likewise need to make social records for every site.

This procedure could take 1-2 hours for every site.

This likens to around 36 hours contributed for a system of 10 sites.

This likewise doesn’t consider any sort of facilitating or hacking issues you may experience. Shoddy web has frequently leave business with no notice and have loathsome uptime.

Managing these issues can be a genuine time executioner.

Presently, obviously, you can outsource the lion’s share of these means. Be that as it may, when you outsource, you increment your costs. Higher costs will broaden to what extent it takes you to get a ROI.

This conveys me to my next point:

Does utilizing PBNs have a decent ROI (Return on Investment) and ROT (Return on Time)?

The ROI of Using PBNs

Since both you and I comprehend the estimation of cash, we should begin there.

For this case, will utilize the catchphrase expression: “Los Angeles individual damage legal advisor”.

Here are some speedy numbers about this watchword:

It gets around 1,000 ventures for every month

The normal connecting pull spaces for contenders on the principal page is 135

What this information shows is that you will require around 135 terminated spaces to rank for this watchword. This isn’t a correct science. It might take progressively and it might take less. You likewise need to remember the nature of the spaces. In the event that they contenders on the main page are getting the lion’s share of their connections from high specialist locales, then low metric lapsed areas won’t be powerful.

All things considered, knowing the normal connecting root areas will permit you to foresee the ROI of focusing on a watchword.

Here are some different numbers you have to know to anticipate ROI:

Normal SERP CTR ~ 3% – 30% (higher CTR for higher rankings)

Normal Prospect to Lead (PTL) Conversion ~ 5%

Normal Inbound Lead to New Customer (ILC) Conversion ~ 21%

Rough cost for creating one system site = ~ $112

Estimated time spent creating one system site = ~ 60 minutes

To make this less demanding, I’ve made a Google Sheet:

return for capital invested pbns

Snap to Enlarge

These are liberal estimations, yet it gives you a thought of the ROI capability of utilizing PBNs. The Lifetime Value (LTV) of an individual damage customer is high. There aren’t numerous specialties that will have a LTV this extraordinary, which implies it will take more time to get a positive ROI.

The month #1 – #3 estimations depend on positioning on the main page for “Los Angeles individual harm legal counselor”. Remember this is a focused specialty, so you likely wouldn’t achieve the primary page for around 6-12 months (in case you’re great). That implies you will be in the red until you arrive.

Diverse Ways to Invest $28k Into SEO

You can do a considerable measure in SEO with $28,000 +. I recall when I was beginning and the sum total of what I had was a Visa with $500 constrain. In those days, I thought this was a great deal of funding to put into SEO. I could accomplish a great deal with $500, yet I likewise contributed a ton of sweat value. So in the event that you don’t have the capital, you need to compensate for it with sweat value, as Mark Cuban would state. All things considered, there are two approaches to put resources into SEO outside of PBNs:


Content-driven SEO techniques will stand the trial of time. Are content-driven techniques the most secure, as well as they are really the most versatile connection obtaining model. On the off chance that you had $28k to spend, you ought to put 80% of it into making join commendable substance resources. To put it plainly, that implies making profitable substance that is superior to industry models.

Genuine Backlinks

It’s uncommon for a SEO battle to prevail without backlinks. Be that as it may, since you aren’t utilizing PBNs, you should concentrate on getting genuine backlinks. “Genuine” backlinks originate from sites that have movement and that you don’t have article carefulness on. There are three approaches to get genuine backlinks:

Through advancing your substance by means of effort

Through distributing visitor posts

Through purchasing situation (dangerous)

Not that you know the ROI of utilizing PBNs and furthermore some option for contributing capital, let me clarify the last “con” of utilizing PBNs.

3. Hazard

Let’s be honest. Regardless of how well you build up your system, you’re continually going to be at danger of two things: A) your locales get deindexed and B) your site handles a manual punishment for “Unnatural Inbound Links”.

In seconds, both your money and time speculation can be worth nothing.

At that point you understand, you could have put all that time and cash into something more evergreen.

Alright, affirm.

I’ve been hatin’ hard on PBNs in this article, however they aren’t too awful.

3 Reasons Why You SHOULD Use a PBN

Since I’ve terrified the living hell out of you, let me clarify the professionals of utilizing a private blog organize.

1. Control

Having control in SEO is intense. With a system, you can direct the stay message, the connections, and test like insane to perceive what works. No other external link establishment system permits you such flexibility.

Suppose most dire outcome imaginable, you DO get a manual punishment. Since you have control, you can essentially expel the connections and the punishment will be repudiated.

Getting a manual activity expelled is about incomprehensible in the event that you assembled GSA connects or purchased interfaces on destinations you didn’t possess.

2. Moment Authority

Private blog systems are intense in light of the fact that you’re utilizing the specialist of a matured, put stock in site. Also, as you have most likely encountered, it’s trying to get these sorts of connections through effort or normally.

3. No Outreach/Relationship Building

In the event that you depend on private blog systems, you won’t need to invest any energy connecting or constructing connections. While this isn’t something to be thankful for, it can spare you time.

All in all, since there are both upsides and downsides of utilizing a PBN, is there any arrangement?

The Ultimate PBN Strategy

I see excessively numerous SEO’s depending far too vigorously on private blog organizes and they’re committing a major error. I’m certain you’ve heard this some time recently, however you ought to never put all your investments tied up on one place.

This is valid for ANY kind of external link establishment.

After a seemingly endless amount of time Google has obliterated SEO’s who haven’t enhanced and depended on a solitary third party referencing technique.

In this way, will give you access on somewhat mystery of mine… I consider third party referencing a similar way I would my retirement account. (on account of

I consider third party referencing a similar way I would my retirement account (because of Gen Wise Wealth).

To begin with, I assess the danger of a third party referencing technique. At that point, I choose how much capital and time to distribute to that technique.

For instance, I may put resources into “more hazardous” stocks on the grounds that the potential return is higher. In any case, general, the more hazardous stocks would just make a little rate out of my general portfolio.

This is precisely how you ought to approach third party referencing and private blog systems!

The post How PBN Works appeared first on Techfinite | Social Media Marketing Secrets Revealed.

Facebook Community Development: How to Cultivate Loyal Fans

Are you creating a fan base on Facebook? Want to discover how to engage your audience via pages and groups? To explore how to nurture a community on Facebook, I interview Holly Homer. More About This Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is an on-demand talk radio show from Social Media Examiner. It’s designed to […]

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– Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

The post Facebook Community Development: How to Cultivate Loyal Fans appeared first on Techfinite | Social Media Marketing Secrets Revealed.

SEO tactics 101

Use SEO-Friendly URLs tactics

Google gives more weight to the initial 3-5 words in your URL. For instance, the URL of this article is “WordPress SEO”. For best outcomes utilize your objective watchword toward the start of the URL and even begin with it if conceivable.

As a matter of course, WordPress URLs are not SEO agreeable but rather you can settle this effectively. Go to Settings – Permalinks and change your permalinks to Post name.

SEO postname

Improve your titles for SEO

WordPress title tag is the most critical on-page SEO consider. For best outcomes begin your title with your catchphrase or place it before all else.

There are a few title era tools which will help you to make click optimized titles:

Hemingway Sharethrough -It will indicate how captivating is your feature.

SEOPressor’s Title Generator -A free title generator which will create appealing titles for your blog entries.

Omen’s Content Idea Generator -This is one of my top choices. It can help you to make a feature just by entering a subject.

Blog Title Generator by BlogAbout -This is a brilliant tool which gives advanced thoughts.

Title Generator by TweakYourBiz -You’ll get a group of thoughts soon after entering a  topic.

Add modifiers to your title

Modifiers can help you to rank for long tail renditions of your primary keyword. Use modifiers like “2016”, “best”, “guide”, and “survey and so on.

Streamline your depictions

Your depictions are one of the greatest chances to get more snaps in Google query items and to build your rankings and movement.

At the point when individuals are looking for anything on Google they examine the outcomes and pick by title and portrayal. Your portrayal ought to be corresponding to your title.

It likewise ought to contain your fundamental catchphrase in it since Google strong the pursuit term on the off chance that they are found in the portrayal.

Instructions to make it all the more engaging and get more snaps:

Take a gander at the Adwords paid promotions. They are enhanced for snaps. Be that as it may, utilize promotion duplicate just on the off chance that it bodes well with your substance.

Concentrate the outcomes above you in main 10 Google comes about. Search for words and expressions they have and you don’t. Pick words that sound as a solid match to your depiction.

Utilize a particular number – individuals like substance with particular numbers

Offer a quick arrangement – everybody is in a rush. When you offer an answer inside particular time span you will get more snaps

What in it for me? Attempt to clarify the advantages one will get unmistakably.

Dispose of thin or copy content

Marketing GrowthCopy substance is the point at which you have a similar substance on a few pages of your site or blog.

WordPress naturally produces numerous chronicle URLs. Notwithstanding that, it makes label pages in the event that you utilize tags. This may hurt your SEO by creating copied content and pointless pages.

Step by step instructions to maintain a strategic distance from copy content:

Post your article just in one classification. When you post your article in a few classifications it will show up on more than one URL which will bring about copy content. On the off chance that you truly need to utilize a few classes for one post utilize rel=canonical

Incapacitate or noindex WordPress files which are naturally made of course.

Set noindex to your Tags

You can either incapacitate files totally or set them to noindex which will keep Google from ordering your labels.

How to check in the event that you as of now have copy content?

Google Search Console and Siteliner are the best places to begin.

There are two principle approaches to handle copy content:

1.Delete the copy content

2. Add a sanctioned URL to each version. You can change Canonical URLs in Yoast SEO.

Why would it be a good idea for you to evacuate or set noindex to your thin pages? Since they more often than not are low-quality or outdated pages which no one visits. You have to evacuate them since they bring down your general quality score.


The post SEO tactics 101 appeared first on Techfinite | Social Media Marketing Secrets Revealed.

How to Use Social Media Emoji to Humanize Your Business

Do you want to humanize your business on social media? Have you thought about using social media emoji? Emojis are a fun and creative way to connect with your customers on a more personal level and show your brand’s personality. In this article, you’ll discover how to use emojis in your social media marketing. #1: […]

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SEO power for your website

SEO works

SEO powerThe SEO force of portfolio passages, contextual investigations and tributes

Content showcasing is incredible, however conventional substance promoting methodologies may not be relevant to little neighborhood organizations. Writer Marcus Miller clarifies how independent companies can utilize portfolio substance to catch focused on, important inquiry movement.

Web optimization and substance advertising can be intense for independent companies. Making content that answers the regularly made inquiries in your industry may not be excessively troublesome, but rather getting it found in web crawlers is not all that simple in the event that you are a little nearby player. Regardless of the possibility that you could rank a bit of substance broadly, would it transform into business? Might you be able to handle the inundation of leads in the event that it did?

The advanced showcasing channels and strategies you utilize are a vital choice — and as a rule, customary substance promoting is not the best decision for little neighborhood organizations. This is an alternate story for SaaS (programming as an administration) organizations and so forth, which can undoubtedly scale clients and convey their item on a national or universal premise. Be that as it may, for the little neighborhood folks, customary substance advertising can prompt to a great deal of head-scratching and squandered exertion.

The SEO force of portfolios

It is not necessarily the case that substance showcasing is totally pointless for little and neighborhood organizations — rather, that there is a key choice to make in regards to the sort of substance you make and how you advance it. What’s more, regularly, the way to shrewd neighborhood content showcasing endeavors is just in the work that you accomplish for your clients.

This is the substance that truly exhibits what you do, where you do it and who you do it for, which is the data that truly matters. Obviously, “portfolio” is somewhat of a catch-all term — we are similarly as keen on contextual investigations, audits and tributes as reasonable diversion for private venture content promoting endeavors, and regularly a solitary bit of substance may contain at least one of these components.


portfolio passages;

contextual analyses;

audits; and


This sort of substance has two fundamental advantages:

1. Topical extension

Making portfolio content gives certain cases of your work. On account of a work of art and enlivening organization, it could be a sure sort of property in a certain area: painting and enriching a Victorian house in Boldmere, Sutton Coldfield.

This can zoom into a hyper-particular action or area or zoom out to be more broad. This wide or particular approach can apply to the employment and the area in which you work, making the open door for brilliant neighborhood content, which along these lines, so vital for nearby organizations.

Take the accompanying cases of portfolio pieces (Note: I am in Birmingham, UK, so cases mirror my own area and regions):

Remodel of avoiding sheets in a Victorian house in Boldmere, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham

Repair of roofs in 1970s semi-separated house in Walmley, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham

Finish rewiring and electrical refit of a five-room, three-story Victorian house in Boldmere, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham

New warming framework, radiators and pipework in five-room, three-story Victorian house in Boldmere, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham

Remaking smokestack on 1970s semi-disconnected house in Mere Green, Four Oaks, Birmingham

Repointing of stack on Edwardian property in Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham

Rooftop repairs to wipe out sodden issues on terraced house in Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham

These substance pieces enhance the extent of scan terms you can rank for by enumerating particular employments inside your general business classification and concentrating on other key subtle elements.

In the cases above, we have taken a gander at the particular occupations in different exchanges, smaller scale and metro zones, and particular sorts of property. These subtle elements would likely be missed in your customary administration pages — or ineffectively executed with an end goal to make get all administration and area pages that are, as a general rule, not by any stretch of the imagination up to scratch.

There is a decent possibility your pages would now rank for hunt terms like:

manufacturer repointing smokestack insignificant green;

rooftop repair terraced house wylde green;

revamp fireplace semi separated house four oaks;

handyman new warming framework boldmere; and

… numerous all the more simply like this.

Without a doubt, these will be low-volume terms, however they are exceptionally particular. Also, with confined hunt expelling the need to enter your area, and an ever-more brilliant and versatile (and voice-) driven inquiry scene, buyers are looking in more detail than some time recently.


2. Validity

SEO powerfulGetting people through the computerized front entryway is awesome, yet you should then persuade them to make a move — and portfolio content again comes up trumps here.

A lot of SEO intuition is done in a storehouse without enough thought of the genuine clients who will arrive on your pages. Very regularly, we see independent ventures making overstretched and over-improved area pages that have watchwords packed into help them rank yet give a poor point of arrival experience.

Making portfolio passages, contextual analyses, tributes, and even surveys (which ideally you are not making all things considered and are asking for) opens you up to expanded internet searcher movement with genuine neighborhood clients and gives the data these clients need to settle on an educated choice to work with you.

Most neighborhood organizations are putting forth an indistinguishable correct administration from their opposition, and this undifferentiated commercial center makes a troublesome situation for prospects to pick Company An over Company B. Keen advertisers and independent companies out there will see this impediment as a chance to emerge among their associates with precisely made portfolio passages that show a solid notoriety — along these lines making it clear that they are the best decision for these fatigued web programs.

Controlling up your portfolios

As ever, the most ideal approach to show what I am getting at here is with illustrations, and the accompanying are to some extent drawn from my own particular late battles to distinguish different contractual workers to help with the redesign of our new (extremely old) house.

I am quite helpful on a PC and the web however completely sad with regards to the reasonable abilities required to redesign a house. In that capacity, I have invested a lot of energy in the web attempting to find a scope of nearby tradesmen, including circuit repairmen, handymen, focal warming experts, plasterers, painters and decorators.

With everything taken into account, it was a bad dream to oversee from behind the console. Without a doubt, the procedure was difficult to the point that at last, three of the four temporary workers I wound up working with stopped by referral; just a single was somebody I discovered by means of the web.

This lets me know that there is an immense open door for customary temporary workers to improve their advanced nearness and win more work. All things considered, I am about as web crawler and web insightful a client as you will get — so on the off chance that I fizzled at this errand, what should your normal customer make of the no man’s land of private venture sites?

What we normally observe, especially around the customary exchanges, are professional reference destinations and entryways pointed solidly at clients attempting to locate a nearby tradesman. These every one of the have a tendency to give a heap of audits and are exceedingly noticeable, yet I thought that it was difficult to recognize one business from another.

Truth be told, a scan for “handyman in birmingham,” which is an exchange and the metro area where I live, returns 10 results, and eight are a registry or entrance or something to that affect. This makes some of Google’s late remarks with respect to indexes to some degree inquisitive — both Gary Illyes and John Mueller of Google appeared to suggest that securing registry positions was an obsolete practice or “regularly not the correct approach to fabricate joins.”

Yet, absolutely in the UK, catalogs — and specifically, vertical registries — are still colossally obvious in numerous neighborhood business classes. The accompanying picture demonstrates that five of main six postings for “plasterer in birmingham” are index postings, however I truly need to see a genuine site for these organizations to help in basic leadership.

Win Free Tickets to Social Media Marketing World 2017

Want to win a free ticket to the industry’s largest social media marketing conference of the year? Social Media Examiner has been working hard to bring you our fifth annual physical conference. And we’ve come up with a fun way for you to get involved. First, what is this event? Social Media Marketing World 2017 […]

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Who Uses Content marketing?

Using content marketingContent marketing is one of the biggest success stories in the global marketing industry. Seen by over 70% of US adults every month, it now accounts for more than 20% of marketing budgets, with that figure set to rise over the next 12 months.
Every day, thousands of pieces of content are published, all professionally planned, commissioned, edited and measured to give their client brands a powerful and effective way to reach their customers, gaining fantastic levels of loyalty and sales along the way.

Content Marketing is one of the biggest success stories in the media industry. Second only to internet advertising in accelerated growth, it constantly amazes in its size, scope and adaptability. Every day another client comes on board, ready to experience the excitement and rewards of publishing their own magazine or website using their own content.

Incease sales1. Increase sales
In its purest form, content marketing provides a controlled and portable shop window for companies to sell products to their customers in their own time. Recent CMA research has found that over 50% of content marketing consumers say it has a positive impact upon purchase decisions, with 61% agreeing that it increases brand positivity.
2. Retain customers
In an increasingly fragmented culture, with every retail and service business facing stiffer competition every year, companies are placing more and more importance on retaining their existing customers. By offering both entertainment and information, content marketing rewards the customer with engaging editorial while keeping them updated on new products or services. By regularly communicating with your customer in this way, you are much more likely to keep their business.
3. Build or reposition your brand
Who Uses Content marketing? For any company wishing to build or transform their brand, they need a method of communication that gets their message across quickly in a carefully controlled way. Since good content on websites, emails, mobiles and print products requires a certain degree of concentration on the part of the consumer, you have the ideal opportunity to alter their perception of your brand. And since content marketing agencies will know your audience just as well, if not better, than you, they can ensure your message gets through to exactly the right demographic, giving you the biggest return on your investment.
4. Ability to integrate
The core skill of the modern content marketing agency is to create and distribute content across all key marketing mediums– print, online, digital, mobile, video and social media. Not only can the agencies produce content appropriate for the individual channel, all channels will be integrated with one another, doubling or tripling the effectiveness of the campaign.
5. Engage customers long term
While clients may look towards content marketing for short-term gain, their real talent lies in long-term engagement. Using regular communication with your customer base, you can gradually build up a bond with the reader, increasing their trust in your brand and making your product or service their first choice. And by creating a regular dialogue with your reader, you can open a line of communication that gives a constant stream of feedback you can use to improve your service and keep your customers happy.

Building a Business on the Back of Interviews

Do you interview people for your blog or podcast? Want to discover different ways to repurpose those interviews? To explore how he built his business through expert interviews, I interview Nathan Chan. More About This Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is an on-demand talk radio show from Social Media Examiner. It’s designed to help […]

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– Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle